Providing More Precise Chiropractic Care with an Impulse Adjusting Instrument
If you are putting off a visit to a chiropractor because of nervousness about cracking or popping joints, Dr. Stanmore G. Langford III can provide you with anxiety-free care at his Chula Vista, CA, practice. With an impulse adjusting instrument, he can offer the precision of traditional chiropractic treatment without the anxiety of popping joints and bones. These tools can increase the speed of adjustments to lessen associated sounds and make treatment more comfortable for certain patients.
Why Joints Crack
Cracking and popping joints can understandably make patients feel anxious. Even if there is no pain, we are used to such noises accompanying broken bones or dislocated joints. For some patients, popping and cracking are simply grating. However, it is important to know that these noises are not necessarily a bad sign. Rather than the sound of damage, cracking joints this sound is just the release of nitrogen gas in the facets of your joints.
These bubbles often form when we stay in the same position for too long. When we move, they pop. Consequently, it is very common to hear popping and cracking when a chiropractor realigns joints. Even knowing this, it can still be unpleasant to hear such noises during an appointment. Because it minimizes these sounds, the impulse adjuster instrument can be an immensely helpful part of your chiropractic experience.

How Do Impulse Adjusting Instruments Work?
The impulse adjuster tool is a handheld device that helps chiropractors to more efficiently realign joints. Tipped with one or two padded prongs, the tool uses a spring-loaded mechanism to gently tap bones back into place. With three levels of increasing intensity, it can easily realign many types of misalignments – though each level of intensity is noticeably stronger depending upon the need of the patient.
The tool is essentially a much faster and more precise version of chiropractic care done by hand. The aim of all chiropractic care is to realign “subluxations” or minor dislocations in the spine and other joints in order to eliminate pain and restore loss of sensation or movement. Because of a lack of other options, this was traditionally done manually. But with the impulse adjuster instrument, realignment can be up to a several times faster.
How Will This Tool Affect My Treatment?
In most cases, the impulse adjuster instrument will make your treatment more effective. It is usually used as a supplement to a normal appointment. Dr. Langford will perform a quick general exam to determine where any subluxations are located.
Most patients report noticeable relief from pain and improved mobility in the days after their appointment
In general, treatment with the impulse adjuster instrument is completely painless. While you will feel a light tapping sensation, it is not usually uncomfortable. In fact, the most noticeable impact is not the experience during treatment but that after. Most patients report noticeable relief from pain and improved mobility in the days after their appointment. However, patients should keep in mind that this is not always immediate. For patients suffering from chronic conditions, long-term inflammation, or muscle spasms, results are sometimes delayed.
Enjoy Relief from Pain Faster than Ever
Dr. Langford uses the impulse adjuster instrument to ensure the most comfortable experience possible during treatment. Contact our team online to take advantage of chiropractic care without the anxiety of cracking joints.